Happenings of the King Family

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

warning: huge post ahead!

I just wanted to post some back images before things get too insane (and also to tide Grandma and Grandpa McKenna over until they get here) and there were just too many to pick a few, so... here is a wide selection!

This one's a leftover Christmas shoot one. A smile!


She's quite the contortionist sometimes!


Olly feels it necessary to keep her well-protected from the draughts!


Claire's snuffly face!


She's supposed to be on the mat, but she's squirmed her way to the high-chair. What a nut.


Sleepy after a long day out...


She found her way under the chair and tried to get in a bag of toys... with her feet.


Tonight she opened a present from my friend Chris. She loved it! Yaaaay!


  • Susan, I know I've said it before, but Claire is GORGEOUS! She looks like she has quite the personality, too. I hope you have an amazing Christmas and I hope your visit with your parents is wonderful. I took Lauren to have her picture taken with Santa today and it was crazy. Mrs. Claus was not happy that Lauren chose to stare at the ceiling instead of smile! Anyway, take care, have a great Christmas/New Years' and I can't wait for Claire and Lauren to meet in the new year! (I've already been telling Lauren about her friend, Claire, and how they will be great pen pals someday!) Love ya! ~Carey

    By Blogger Carey, at 3:31 am  

  • See you tomorrow, Claire! We can't wait! Ho, Ho, Ho!
    Love, Grandma Amy and Grandpa Chad

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:58 pm  

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