Happenings of the King Family

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

update of KINGS (get it?)

More photos from the past week or so~~

There is also a large collection of the photos I've taken (up until about 3 days ago) on flickr- http://www.flickr.com/photos/75509518@N00/ . This will be where the meat of the Claire pictures will be, but as there is a very small upload limit it won't be every single one. Check it at the first of each month for new pictures!


  • Claire,
    The Great Aunts think that your Mommy needs to update this blog of yours.
    I gave your cousin Oliver some English money. He can't understand why he can't spend it, because he speaks English. I told him that he would have to visit you sometime.
    I miss you a lot!
    Grandma Amy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:40 am  

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