Happenings of the King Family

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

a couple more pictures - two from last friday and two from today (she actually had a calm nappy change!).


  • Dear Oliver,
    Someday I hope to be a father, too. Will you remember all the tricks of the trade, like that seemingly Jedi-mind-trick you are most likely performing on Claire, and teach me the ways of patience, care, and diapers when I am chosen for fatherhood? I hope you will, and I hope Claire doesn't spit up on you today.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:55 pm  

  • Dear Claire,
    Happy 3 weeks old! You are so cute. I can't wait to see you this summer.

    Love, Grandma Amy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:55 pm  

  • Claire,
    Tell your Mommy and Daddy that it is time for the weekly picture update! (assuming you give them the time to do it!)

    Grandma Amy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 am  

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