Happenings of the King Family

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Lots of pictures to make up for my long hiatus! Everyone is doing fine, and Claire is starting to crawl. Time to get some stairgates!

This is from when Claire could just crawl backwards- she'd back herself into the corner by the stairs all the time.


This isn't a great quality picture, but you can see Claire's two new top teeth! She's still a little behind on the teeth but she doesn't seem to be taking a break now.


It turns out Claire will smile for the camera if you let her think she can have it!


Another of her trying to get to me for the tasty camera.


This is from SuperBowl Sunday. Yes, we stayed up and watched it. Live. Should have slept, really.


Here, Claire wonders why I am disturbing her beauty sleep.


Now that she can crawl, Claire avoids having diapers put on at any opportunity.


Claire can also pull herself to standing now, as she demonstrates for us when we put the legs on her little leapfrog table.




Claire shows off her new Valentine Day outfit, flown in from America from her Grandma McKenna!


"Mwah! Love ya all!"

a new video of Claire is up here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuDI37U2AS4 I'm going to get another one of her up soon, perhaps on the weekend, to show her improvement from when that video was taken a week ago!