Happenings of the King Family

Friday, October 27, 2006

more to come

Just a couple of pictures to tide you all over until I get more up on flickr this weekend!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

growing up...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, things were crazy with the computers and I just hadn't dug out the cables for my camera since moving furniture!

Lots of pictures today, more tomorrow or Friday-- I need to get pictures of Claire in her new room and bed!

You might JUST be able to see Claire's first tooth in this picture. You might have to click for the larger version. She won't let us get a better picture... yet.

Yummy toes!

Hangin' out on the bed!

Already she's asking for a mobile phone. Kids these days...

Worn out from playing with Daddy!

Getting ready for a big bite!

Messy Baby (TM)!

Claire takes after her mommy, she likes to play in boxes!